This website covers knowledge management, personal effectiveness, theory of constraints, amongst other topics. Opinions expressed here are strictly those of the owner, Jack Vinson, and those of the commenters.

McAfee describing patterns between 2.0 and 1.0

I'm assuming this will get reblogged by many other's, but the ideas Andrew McAfee mentions in Toward a Pattern Language for Enterprise 2.0 are interesting to me.  He applies the ideas of Pattern Language (which is new to me) to the differences between Enterprise 2.0 and Enterprise 1.0.  This goes much beyond the difference I site between knowledge management driven from the top or knowledge management driven from the bottom.

I’ve had for some time now the vague sense that the iPhone, Twitter, Gmail, Googling, Facebook, Wikipedia, Delicious, and other runaway successes are trying to tell us something about how we want to use technology in our lives and in our work, and if we enterprise technologists listen carefully we’ll hear what that something is.

I don’t believe that what they’re telling us is that we have to throw out all of our existing devices and applications and start enterprise IT from scratch. But we do need to throw out some tools, approaches, and philosophies, and incorporate other ones. The enterprise technologists that do the best job of this will be the ones that see their offerings succeed.

Have a peek at the couple dozen patterns that Andrew proposes.  It's nice to see the differences between 2.0 and 1.0 more explicitly articulated.  And some of the comments have suggested still more differences.

One area where I'd suggest some additions is in expertise:

1.0: People find experts by asking their colleagues locally or searching the company yellow pages.
2.0: People find experts through discovery of what those experts have discussed online.

1.0: People answer questions by asking people and then finding specific content buried in the document management system.
2.0: People answer questions together by posing questions of their colleagues locally and distributed across the network.

1.0: Experts are inside the company.
2.0: Experts are everywhere, and people can find them.

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