This website covers knowledge management, personal effectiveness, theory of constraints, amongst other topics. Opinions expressed here are strictly those of the owner, Jack Vinson, and those of the commenters.

Looking at Lektora

While I'm looking at aggregators, I've opened my search a bit. Yes, this means I am wasting even more time as a result of a failed aggregator upgrade, instead of getting other things done. Here are my first impressions of Lektora.

  • Embeds itself in Firefox (and Internet Explorer), which would be one less application open.
  • Lektora has a different operational mode in that you see the flow of articles each time you visit, rather than it keeping track of "all unread." You have to specifically tell it that you want to view news downloaded at a given time, rather than just looking at the unread messages.
  • However, this could be an interesting way to keep up with news. Each time it downloads new news, it gives you the option of looking at everything downloaded since the last time (the newest) or everything downloaded today. You can also peek back into the archives to see what has been downloaded each day. If you don't download for a couple days, then today's news will include the items you may have missed.
  • Do I have to force a refresh when I want to read news the next time? This would suggest that I have to wait to read.
  • Adding my feeds from an opml file is non-obvious, but it can be done. It's under customize -> share, "importing other people feed list." This should be on the "Add" page in the customization panel.
  • I can re-sort the categories and feeds, so my favorites are near the top.
  • The categories can't be "collapsed."
  • It seems to be displaying the excerpt from my Atom feed, rather than the full text.
  • There appears to be no way to customize the way individual feeds or categories display. I'd really like Lektora to display the full text from my feeds, for example.
  • I wonder if there is a way to view only parts of the newspaper, like for one category? Yes, just click on the category title in the navigation area.
  • Or can I "roll up" parts of the newspaper to skip over a category or a feed?
  • The free version embeds advertising into the newspaper view. They aren't obnoxious. The paid version ($29.95) does not have them.

Query: Intranet RSS Aggregator

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