All in technology

Thomas Vander Wal has a nice essay, describing his views of his Model of Attraction and Personal InfoCloud, The Come To Me Web. His view is that we are moving from a place where "I go get" what I want to a situation where what I want "comes to me."

The next generation of aggregators are going to have a lot of interesting features, whether they are the ones I want or not. In reading John Tropea's "Authority in your RSS readers," I realized that the aggregator needs to extend beyond the box of a single tool.

I stumbled upon Eric Tsui's 2002 technology survey, "Technologies for Personal and Peer to Peer Knowledge Management," when writing my earlier article on PIM. I do not recall having read Eric Tsui in the past, but many of his ideas about knowledge management and the emphasis on personal vs. corporation are strongly connected to how I have thought of KM.

I was in a conversation earlier today, where we talked about the familiar rating tools that you find in Amazon and frequently on internal website ("rate this article"). There are some big differences in rating services on a public website, like Amazon, and internal websites.

I don't know that I am the best person for prognosticating, but my colleagues at the Corante Web Hub are doing predictions together, and I figure I should join them. These are going to be a little different, as I don't think of myself as a pure "technology guy," though I sure have fun with it.