All in technology
It is perfect timing for me to be having a conversation with David Buchan about using PersonalBrain with a blog aggregator, given that I've changed jobs.
I've been looking for a description of K-Collector, as I have heard a number of people talk about it, including its creators. Matt Mower calls it a "Knowledge Centrifuge."
This week's Computerworld has "Eyes Everywhere: Business activity monitoring offers a constant watch on business processes," which immediately struck me as quite similar to the John Parkinson talk on the Real-Time Enteprise that I wrote about recently.
John Parkinson, Chief Technologist for the Americas for Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, spoke at the KMPro Chicago meeting last night on the topic of The Real Time Enterprise.
Computerworld last week had front-page article on "Information life-cycle tools appealing but remain distant."
Interesting presentation on how law firms can drive profitability. The focus is on an IT audience, suggesting that their projects have to fit one of the five items below. In looking through the linked presentation, I hear strains of theory of constraints. These items are geared towards increasing throughput and decreasing...
NuGenesis organized a seminar to demonstrate how their product can interoperate with other companies' products to form a solution for electronic R&D.