This website covers knowledge management, personal effectiveness, theory of constraints, amongst other topics. Opinions expressed here are strictly those of the owner, Jack Vinson, and those of the commenters.

Change: Are you done or doing?

Peter Roehr, Untitled (FO-40), 1965

Implementing change in an organization might involve projects to build capabilities or setup software and systems needed to support the change.  But lasting change in organizations implies that people are operating in a different way. 

Reading the State of Community Management 2017 report from the Community Roundtable, they make an interesting observation about developing maturity. Their focus is on community management, but I think this might apply to any approach which changes organizations from one way of doing things to another. 

Essentially, they describe the early phases of development on the path to communities as something one can do with projects and checklists. Do this, setup that, enable this, etc.  But at some point, an implementation shifts from things you see in a checklist to behaviors you see amongst people.  In their Community Maturity Model, Stage 3 and Stage 4 levels of maturity are much more 

Organizational change requires some of the obvious checklist items, but lasting organizational change requires that the operation and way of doing things. It's a shift from ticking checkboxes to doing things in a new way. It's also one of those dangers we see in organizational change: people want the external evidence of change without delving into operating in new ways.

Are best practices still applicable

There are disruptions and then there are disruptions