KC Lemson points to this meme. Clear the address bar in your browser, type in every letter of the alphabet, and list out what is the first URL on the history list.
I've changed this a little to grab the first item that auto-completes when I type the letter. This isn't always the first entry in the list. I'll guess it was the one I visited last.
http://www.abbott.com/ (really an ad via http://a.tribalfusion.com/, but don't go there)
http://babelfish.altavista.com - translation service; always fun
http://www.cafepress.com/globeofblogs (first ~50 were files on my C: drive)
http://david.davidco.com/ - David Allen's blog, he of Getting Things Done
http://education.guardian.co.uk/ - news, don't remember what this was about
http://feedvalidator.org - figuring out why some feeds won't read
http://girldetective.net - a friend
http://happydestiny.com - another friend
http://images.trafficmp.com/ - I think this is advertising or spam. The "i" at the top of the list is a search at ibm.com for Jasmine Novak.
http://k.webring.com/hub?ring=f4ring - I think this is the ring for Fantastic Four. A previous owner of my house was John Byrne, who wrote and drew Fantastic Four and several other Marvel comics.
http://lithgow-schmidt.dk/sherry-arnstein/ladder-of-citizen-participation.html - related to some of the participation discussion recently
http://mail.yahoo.com but http://www.madlibs.org is more fun.
http://www.negroplease.com - a new Chicago blog
http://online.colum.edu/ - Columbia College in Chicago that I was researching for BlogWalk
http://www.qmfound.com/petroleum_containers_korea.htm - when looking for info about the number of gallons in a barrel (42 gallons / barrel)
http://radio.weblogs.com/0106698/ - Spike Hall's blog
http://radio.weblogs.com/0106698/ - the Online Communities in Business report (was a spam website)
http://teach42.com - a new blog people have been commenting about
http://www.ucd.ie/lkomito/jod.htm - an interesting article by Lee Komito on Electronic Communities in an Information Society
http://validator.w3.org/ - another validator, yeesh, we shouldn't need to do this at all
http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/tables.html - CSS markup for tables
nothing, but I'd like it to be a website about the NASA experimental vehicle program (X-1 through X-43).
http://www.yafle.com/ - a new weblog I've found via trackbacks
http://www.zuji.com/ - online travel guru where I picked up some weather statistics