A new blog I've run across by Peter Bailey at Synop dug up some thoughts from Peter Drucker on knowledge workers. Weblogs > I, Distributius" href="http://www.synop.com/Weblogs/Peter/">Relatively ancient knowledge
In what would be considered relatively ancient knowledge (but is a mere decade old), I came across Peter F. Drucker's 1994 Godkin Lecture on Knowledge Work and Knowledge Society - The Social Transformations of this Century. Drucker, who coined the term "knowledge worker", writes lucidly and knowledgeably about the shifts within the nature of work over the last 100 years, and the implications for the future. That it's ten years on since he gave this talk hasn't changed any of the fundamental remarks he made.Drucker's position on a knowledge worker (an educated person) is one who has learned how to learn and goes on learning throughout their lifetime either in or out of formal education systems.
Peter Bailey then goes on to discuss what are the implications of Drucker's comments in today's light: society, his own company, teams, software for K-workers. Interesting.