This AP story has made the rounds in the last few days. "Some coffee drinkers risk a real jolt" because they a genetically predisposed to retaining caffeine in their systems, and the caffeine plays havoc with the heart.
All in random fun
This AP story has made the rounds in the last few days. "Some coffee drinkers risk a real jolt" because they a genetically predisposed to retaining caffeine in their systems, and the caffeine plays havoc with the heart.
My wife has written up her effort to create a 120-song playlist to celebrate her pending birthday. Along with providing the list of all the songs, she gives her criteria for selecting artists, even justifying those cheesy songs from the 70's.
Okay, I can't help but link to this one. He references _The Princess Bride_ for goodness sake! David Buchan tells us that "You can do more than you believe."
Malcolm Ryder turned up an entertaining picture of the home computer of 2004 from a 1954 Popular Mechanics Magazine in The History of the Future. They have a few things wrong.
Well, if I can't find a fulltime gig somewhere, I can always become a bookstore employee, according to the "Are You a Librarian Test."
Bookstore Employee You...
Apparently Robert Fripp has been picked to create the sounds for the new operating system from Microsoft, Vista. Robert Scoble (or Charles Torre) has published a 25 minute video of the session.
The RSS Blog points to a new way to peruse your Flickr images with photoblogger. It is very much geared toward finding pictures, rather than browsing in the standard Flickr mode.
A quoted name search nets me 79,000 hits on Google. An ego search on my name nets about seven times that many.
Why not spend your extra time in traditionally slow December, figuring out your personality via TinyURL. Just add your initials, and those of your friends and family, to the end of
The front page of today's Chicago Tribune has a report from the RSNA's annual meeting on "The tall and the short of why caffeine works."
Another do-this-instead-of-work meme for your pleasure. This time you ask Google what you need by doing a quoted search for "yourname needs".
My blog appears to be worth $63,793.02 today. The Business Opportunities Weblog lets you do the calculation.
Someone is claiming to be the only WYSIWYG blog editor and buying AdWords to prove it.
'Vision without execution is hallucination.' - Thomas Edison. And an hour saved at a non-bottleneck is a mirage (Goldratt).
More random fun for you - playing with the list of popular songs from your youth. If you aren't doing anything over Labor Day, that is.
In case you missed the important news , U of Scranton Prof. Joe A. Vinson (no relation), says coffee "has more antioxidants than any other food or beverage in the American diet."
How much of your favorite caffeinated drink would it take to kill you? It would take 116 shots of espresso or 80 cups of drip coffee to kill me off.
The results are in, and I'm still about as geeky today as I was in January.